Our subdivision uses your company for our pool maintenance – Morningbrooke Subdivision. Just wanted to tell you that I feel we have received the best service from you on the maintenance of our pool. We have lived in this subdivision from the very start (10 years plus) and didn’t swim in the pool for years because it was not kept clean. There is no hesitation in going in the pool area now due to that reason.”
Our Pool
Positively Pools just built a new indoor pool facility at our offices in Lawrenceville on Victor Street. We are calling it the Victor Street Aquatic Center. It is finished and ready for action.
High School Swim Teams
Gwinnett county has one of the largest competition swim team communities in the country. From an enormous summer league to world class club teams producing Olympians on a regular basis. Ironically, there are zero pools inside the high schools to support this passion. High school swimmers who aren’t interested in a year round club program but still want to seasonally compete and represent their high school have very limited lane space to do so. We built this pool in part to be committed to those high school swimmers. We are excited to host as many high school teams that can fit in our lanes. Convenient high school time blocks are our priority this season.
Positively Pools’ primary business is providing lifeguards and pool management to local community pools. We will be upping our game with this pool to offer more Red Cross certifications and more intensive training for actual day-to-day operations, unrelated to life saving. We are very excited to be able to send our young lifeguards to their pools better trained for their communities than anyone in our industry.