Our subdivision uses your company for our pool maintenance – Morningbrooke Subdivision. Just wanted to tell you that I feel we have received the best service from you on the maintenance of our pool. We have lived in this subdivision from the very start (10 years plus) and didn’t swim in the pool for years because it was not kept clean. There is no hesitation in going in the pool area now due to that reason.”
What is coping?
Gunite pools have an edge called “coping” that hangs over the edge slightly for safety and drainage function. It is usually a concrete pour, but it can be replaced with stone or brick.
When should I replace the coping? The coping should be replaced when signs of pealing or damage arise from age or freeze. It can also be done simply to improve the look of a pool. Replacement of coping can be done with a cement pour or pool specific brick. Cement offers a consistency with the current deck, while brick dresses up the pool with a classy red finish. Prices for both are comparable.